Ivybridge and Cornwood
- Quality care for 2-4 year olds -
Fees and Funding...
Fees -
Fees are charged at £4.00 per hour and payable monthly, or weekly by prior agreement.
Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent through sickness or holidays, or in the event of an emergency closures. There is a late charge of £10 each week after the deadline until the fees are cleared.
Funding -
Early Years Education Funding -
All children aged 3&4 are entitled to 15 hours per week free childcare for 38 weeks and 570 hours per year, from the term after their third birthday. This funding continues until children move onto school. To obtain the funding parents must sign an attendance declaration form and the child must be attending from the time of the head count day at the beginning of each term. Any extra hours over 15 per week will be charged at £4.00 per hour.
Some children are entitled to 30 hours free care per week – there is a criteria which applies for this - You can usually get 30 hours free childcare if you (and your partner, if you have one) are:
in work - or getting parental leave, sick leave or annual leave
each earning at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week - this is £125.28 if you’re over 25.
This earnings limit does not apply if you’re self-employed and started your business less than 12 months ago.
When can my child access the free childcare?
Child born between - Entitled from-
1 April and 31 August start of the autumn term after their third birthday
1 September and 31 December start of the spring term after their third birthday
1 January and 31 March start of the summer term after their third birthday
2 Year Old funding -
Some 2 year old children are entitled to free funding which also entitles children to 15 hours free childcare per week, the term after the child's 2nd birthday (see above for dates)
Your 2-year-old is eligible for free childcare if you receive any of the following benefits:
Universal Tax Credits
Income Support (IS)
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Universal Credit – if you and your partner have a combined income from work of less than £15,400 a year after tax
Child Tax Credit with an annual household taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) not over £16,190
Working Tax Credits with an annual household taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) not over £16,190
The Working Tax Credit 4 weeks run on
Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
Or if your 2-year-old:
attracts Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
is looked after by the Local Authority
has left care through special guardianship or through an adoption order or residence order or
has a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
A Golden Ticket is also sent to the carers of 2-year-old children in care and to parents of children with a statement or education, health and care plan.
If you have not received a Golden Ticket but think you may be eligible, you can check your eligibility and apply at www.devon.gov.uk/twoyearoldfunding or call 0345 155 1013.
If you are the parent of an adopted child or a foster child where the child is in the care of another local authority please contact us on 01392 385530 or email eyef@devon.gov.uk.